Friday, March 29, 2019

Class #4 Fourth Scratch Mini Project

Agenda #4 - Third mini Project

Objective: The student will follow a Scratch Tutorial to learn the Basics of designing a scratch project. Also, S/he will reflect in the design journal and discuss writing prompt #3.

1. Open your Browser, Google Drive, Class Agenda4and  Scratch site. 

2. Review 3rd writing prompt, Computational Thinking...

3.  Start the third mini Project: AYN, Animate Your Name. Open Scratch 3.0, in the menu bar choose Tutorials and select "Animate a Name" tutorial. See the requirements sheet. Watch the video first, then code...

Save as: AYN first name last initial section

4. Design Journal entry.

HW: Respond to Prompt #4 - What is Learning by Designing?

Monday, March 25, 2019

Class #3 Second Mini Project

Agenda #3 - Exploring Scratch 3.0 Coding (Programming)

Objective: The student will follow a Scratch Tutorial to learn the Basics of designing a scratch project. Also, S/he will reflect in the design journal and discuss writing prompt #2.

1. Open your Browser, Google Drive, Class Agenda3 and  Scratch site.

2. Start a new Scratch Project, make sure you are signed into your Scratch account. View the Adventure Game tutorial video. Then create an Adventure Game project. See the Handout with the requirements.
Send your favorite Cartoon Network characters on a quest, from the farthest reaches of the universe to the edge of Craig's creek. Unlock secret treasures and discover new characters while creating an adventure game.
save as: Adventure Game first name last initial section.

3. Set up the:  Project Links document in Google Drive if not already done.

Make a copy: and place into our shared folder.  

4. Go to the Projects Page and Add  your link under the Adventure Game heading listed here.

5. Entry in Design Journal, summarize classwork (Discuss something you learned about Scratch 3.0) and note the homework.

HW: Respond to Prompt #3 - What is computational thinking? 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Class #2 First Scratch Mini Project

Agenda #2 - Exploring Scratch 3.0 Coding (Programming)

Objective: The student will follow a Scratch Tutorial to learn the Basics of designing a scratch project. Also, S/he will reflect in the design journal and discuss writing prompt #1.

1. Open your Browser, Google Drive, Class Agenda2 and  Scratch site.

2. Start a new scratch project.  Select "Getting Started Tutorial". Watch the video then create something of your own. Use the arrow keys to move step by step(screen by screen) through the video.

3. Next "create animations that talk". View the tutorial video, first start a new scratch project> Select "Create"> choose "create animations that talk". Then create a project with a Sprite that talks and sings. See requirements handout in class.

save as: talks first name last initial section.

4. Set up the:  Project Links document in Google Drive and link this document. 

5. Entry in Design Journal, summarize classwork for this class and note the homework.

HW: Respond to Prompt #2 - What is Designed-Based Learning? 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Class #1 Introduction to Scratch

Agenda #1 - Trimester 3 2018/19 - Introduction to Scratch

Welcome to Technology Education Scratch Programming Class!

This Blog is going to reflect the daily expectations for each class. Please start here in the beginning of each class and complete the tasks noted. Bookmark this site on your Chrome Books.

Thank you.
Ms. Norton

Classroom Management...

• Each student will bring their computer to class and bookmark the Class Agenda Website, Scratch Site and all other relevant sites for this course.
• Students will be issued a folder to be stored in the lab appropriately. Print full name and section on the top 2 inches of the folder.
• Review Classroom Procedures.
• Grading
• Set up Google Docs folder to be shared with Ms. Norton: 
  Note: All work is to be stored in this shared folder including your Design Journal.
• Scratch Intro Video

1. Set up Design Journal  - All work is to be shared with Ms. Norton in your Google Drive folder.

• Design Journal Entry - Be certain to summarize class work, include your username for Scratch and answer the writing prompt #1 before returning to the next class.

Make a copy and place this in the folder you are sharing with Me.
 •Set up Design Journal - All work is to be shared with Ms. Norton in your Google Drive folder.

Ms. Norton's email:
2. Go to the Scratch site and set up your own Scratch account:
 user name: wmsfirstfullnamelastinitial Password: student ID#
3.  Explore Scratch 3.0: Intro Video & Getting Started with Scratch Video

4. Getting Started Tutorials

HW: Respond to Prompt #1 in the Design Journal - What is Creative Computing?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Class #10 Final Scratch Project Sharing/Presentations

Agenda #10 Final Project Presentations/Sharing - Last Class

Objective: The student will share his/her Scratch 3.0 Final project with the class, fill out the class survey/evaluation and Project Reflections form Please complete and submit this to Ms. Norton.

1. Make certain you've shared your final project in Scratch. Also, complete the grading rubric topic statement and include your exact final project save name somewhere in the margin of the grading rubric.

2. Please fill out the Scratch education class survey.  This is a way to provide feedback to Ms. Norton which will hopefully improve the course for your classmates. It will not be graded!

3. Be certain you have shared all the Tips Mini-project work and included the links in your Tips & Projects links Google Drive Document. Complete All 5 writing prompts and Final Project Outline/Planners.

4. Design Journal:The design journal will reflect an overview of work completed/learned in class. Be certain this is complete!

*Folders are yours to keep. If you want you can recycle the contents and return the folder to the holder.
If all work is complete try these:

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Class #9 Scratch Final Project Feedback

 TecED 7 Scratch - Agenda #9

Objective: The student will Share their Scratch  Final project and receive feedback from classmates. The student will complete all unfinished mini-project and writing prompt assignments.

Final Project Due Dates:
7AC: 3/8/19
7BE: 3/12/19
1. Final Project work.  Go to the My Stuff folder in Scratch and click (with your mouse) on your final project link. Be certain you complete the Instructions section, clearly describing, for the user, how your project functions, as if you were not there to guide them. Next, complete the Notes and Credits section, noting all the resources utilized in this project. Be clear and give credit where due. Finally, include the link and exact save name of your final project in the Tips and Final project links Google document Shared with  Ms. Norton.

2. Review the grading Rubric.

3. Journal Entry

•Design Journal:
The journal will note the class work accomplished for the day. Use the Final Project Planner form to note edits/updates, resources and explanations of your project development.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Class #7& 8 Scratch Project Work

Day 8 Agenda - Final Project...

Objective: Continue planning, Designing and reflecting on your Scratch Final projects. Remember to use the Design Journal to record your classwork summary and the Final Project Outline Planner to continue to update and outline your progress and resources for the project. 

Scratch Final Project Due Dates:
7AC: 3/8/19
7BE: 3/12/19
 Be prepared to share your projects in class on the due dates noted above.
• Reminder: Use the Project Planner, Final Project Outline Planner  form, to record all final project descriptions, steps, resources... instead of the Design JournalPlace this in the Google Documents folder you are sharing with Ms. Norton in TecEd class.
• Please note the following:

1. Properly save and share your final Project. Go to the My Stuff folder in Scratch and copy/paste the link into your Tips & Links Document for grading. Also go to the Project Planner page and Share your project.
  • a. Complete the Instructions section, clearly describing for the user how your project functions, as if you were not there to guide them.
  • b. Complete the Notes and Credits section, noting all the resources utilized in this project. Be clear and give credit where due.
2. Review Grading Rubric

3. Journal Entry

Design Journal:
Note the class work accomplished for the day. 
All unfinished prompts, mini-project & Project work.