Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Class #7 Scratch Final Project Work

Day 7 Agenda - Final Project ...

Objective: Continue planning, Designing and reflecting on your Scratch 3.0 Final projects. Remember to use the Design Journal I or II to record your classwork for each period.

Scratch Final Project Due Dates:  
7AC: 4/26/19
7BE: 4/30/19
 1. In today's class #7 please complete the Final Project Outline Planner. This information should reflect everything you've done to date and are planning to do to finish your project. Be certain to record all final project descriptions, steps, and resources. Place this in your Google Documents folder you are sharing with Ms. Norton in TecEd class.

2. Once your Planner is updated, and you've followed/listed the 8 Steps of the Engineering and Design Process as it relates to your project, you may create a new Scratch document for the final project and save appropriately.
Save as:
 note: the keyword should relate to the project content.
3. Continue working in/out of class to design your project using the Engineering and Design Process to assist in your project development.

4.Design Journal:
From now on the journal will note the class work accomplished for the day. The Final Project Outline Planner will be used to record all information related to the project!

HomeWork: finish all incomplete work assigned to date: 5 Writing Prompts and 4 Mini Projects