TecED 7 Scratch - Agenda #9
Objective: The student will Share their Scratch Final project and receive feedback from classmates. The student will complete all unfinished mini-project and writing prompt assignments.
Final Project Due Dates:
7AC: 3/8/197BE: 3/12/19
1. Final Project work. Go to the My Stuff folder in Scratch and click (with your mouse) on your final project link. Be certain you complete the Instructions section, clearly describing, for the user, how your project functions, as if you were not there to guide them. Next, complete the Notes and Credits section, noting all the resources utilized in this project. Be clear and give credit where due. Finally, include the link and exact save name of your final project in the Tips and Final project links Google document Shared with Ms. Norton.
2. Review the grading Rubric.
3. Journal Entry
•Design Journal:
The journal will note the class work accomplished for the day. Use the Final Project Planner form to note edits/updates, resources and explanations of your project development.