Monday, February 4, 2019

Class #3 Second Scratch Mini Project

Agenda #3 - Exploring Scratch 3.0 Coding (Programming)

Objective: The student will follow a Scratch Tutorial to learn the Basics of designing a scratch project. Also, S/he will reflect in the design journal and discuss writing prompt #2.

1. Open your Browser, Google Drive, Class Agenda3 and  Scratch site.

2. Start a new Scratch Project, make sure you are signed into your Scratch account. View the Adventure Game tutorial video. Then create an Adventure Game project. See the Handout with the requirements.
Send your favorite Cartoon Network characters on a quest, from the farthest reaches of the universe to the edge of Craig's creek. Unlock secret treasures and discover new characters while creating an adventure game.
save as: Adventure Game first name last initial section.

3. Set up the:  Project Links document in Google Drive if not already done.

Make a copy: and place into our shared folder.  

4. Go to the Projects Page and Add  your link under the Adventure Game heading listed here.

5. Entry in Design Journal, summarize classwork (Discuss something you learned about Scratch 3.0) and note the homework.

HW: Respond to Prompt #3 - What is computational thinking?