Agenda #4 - Cont. Exploring Scratch 3.0 Coding (Programming)
Objective: The student will follow a Scratch Tutorial to learn the Basics of designing a scratch project. Also, S/he will reflect in the design journal and discuss writing prompt #2.
1. Open your Browser, Google Drive, and Scratch site.
2. Select Explore Scratch 3.0 link. View the tutorial video. Then create an Adventure Game project.
Send your favorite Cartoon Network characters on a quest, from the farthest reaches of the universe to the edge of Craig's creek. Unlock secret treasures and discover new characters while creating an adventure game.
save as: Adventure Game first name last initial section. You must Download this to your Google Drive to save!
3. Set up the: Project Links document in Google Drive
Make a copy: and place into our shared folder.
4. Entry in Design Journal, summarize classwork (Discuss something you learned about Scratch 3.0) and note the homework.
5. If time permits Start the third mini Project: AYN Animate your name. Open Scratch 3.0, in the menu bar choose Tutorials and select "Animate a Name" tutorial. Watch the video first, then code...
Save as: AYN first name last initial section
HW: Respond to Prompt #4 - What is Learning by Designing?