Agenda #2 - Introduction to Scratch Programming/First Mini Project
Objective: The
student will follow a Scratch Tutorial to learn the Basics of designing
a scratch project. Also, S/he will reflect in the design journal and
discuss writing prompt #1.
2. Ms. Norton will share examples and steps needed to create your first mini-project. Now you will start your first Scratch Mini-Project. Select the Create tab(note save name below), next select the Tips tab at the top of the window, under the heading Getting Started choose the Step by Step intro.
• Save as: introfirstfullnamelastinitialsection
3. Set up the: Tips & Final Project Links document in Google Drive
Make a copy and name it: lastfullname first initial sectionTips & Final Project Links...
4. Entry in Design Journal, summarize classwork and note homework.
HW: Respond to Prompt #2 - What is Designed-Based Learning? Complete unfinished MiniProject #1 Work.