Day 5 Agenda - Finish the last mini-project (#4)
Objective: Continue to become familiar with Scratch
2.0 by learning game design & programming tips. Also, use the
Design Journal I or II to record/share your daily progress and writing prompt
• Each student is expected to complete, save and submit the Mini-Projects on the Tips & Final project Links Google Document shared with Ms. Norton. In today's class #5 the student is to complete the Games (4th and final) mini-project.
Please copy/paste the save name link for each of the tips mini-projects in your google Tips & Final Project document. Please remember to share with Ms. Norton. If time permits explore other projects.
1. Games
Path to follow to get to the correct Tips screen:
Create> How to> Games
save as: gamesfirstfullnamelastinitialsection
•Design Journal:
Answer the appropriate writing prompt and note the class work for the day.
HW: writing prompt #5, final writing prompt