Agenda #1 - Trimester T3 Introduction
Welcome to Technology Education
Scratch Programming Class!
Blog is going to reflect the daily expectations for each class. Please
start here in the beginning of each class and complete the tasks noted.
Thank you.
Ms. Norton
Class #1- TecED7 - Introduction to Scratch Programming
Classroom Management...
Each student will bring their computer to class and bookmark the Class
Website, Scratch Site and all other relevant sites for this course.
• Students will be issued a folder to be stored in the lab appropriately.
Print full name and section on the top 2 inches of the folder.
• Review Classroom Procedures.
• Grading
• Set up Google Docs folder to be shared with Ms. Norton:
Note: All work is to be stored in this shared folder including your
Design Journal.
• Scratch Intro Video
1. Go to the
Scratch site and set up your own Scratch account:
user name:
Password: student ID#
2. Now you will start your first Scratch Mini-Project. Select the
Create tab(note save name below), next select the
Tips tab at the top of the window, under the heading
Getting Started choose the
Step by Step intro.
• Save as: introfirstfullnamelastinitialsection
When all steps are finished in the Getting Started
Introduction section of the Tips proceed to the
Explore tab on the Home screen of Scratch. Enjoy exploring other projects!(if time permits)
3. Set up
Design Journal - All work is to be shared with Ms. Norton in your Google Drive folder.
• Design Journal Entry - Be certain to summarize class work, include your
username for Scratch and answer the writing prompt #1 before returning to the next class.
Make a copy and name it:
firstfullnamelastinitialsectionTecEd Design Journal
Tips & Final Project Links document
Make a copy and name it:
firstfullnamelastinitialsectionTips & Final Project Links...
Ms. Norton's email:
HW: Respond to Prompt #1 in the Design Jouornal - What is Creative Computing?